Dyrberg Invest


“A lot of manual processes have been automated after adopting Pivolt, freeing up valuable time. The Pivolt system is easy and intuitive to use and rich on relevant functionalities.”

Mads Dyrberg

Dyrberg Invest

Dyrberg Invest

Pivolt Handles!

The transition process began in July / 18 and went into production after just 1 month. Dyberg no longer uses excel to track financial data. All the necessary financial information needed is handled by Pivolt platform. This freed up the Dyberg team to focus on other activities related to their business.

Positives that stand out:

  • Cloud solution, avoiding large expenses on IT.
  • Scalable solution, allowing for a progressive increase in the number of portfolios.
  • Clean and straightforward interface.
  • Easy to set the basics to start operating it
  • The smooth and organized setup process
  • Interfaces, along with other specific features, are always developed very fast

The Challenge

Optimize the whole process, including scattered spreadsheets, manual information collected from different sources, and built in controls, producing a better and less prone to error outcome.

The Customer

Dyrberg Invest offers impartial and personal advice on investment in securities and is independent of banking groups and other financial institutions. The investment philosophy is long-term and inspired by one of the world’s most competent investors Warren Buffet’s approach to investment. Dyrberg Invest is authorized by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to provide investment advice and is subject to ongoing supervision and supervision.

The Solutions

Pivolt Desk, Pivolt Billing, Pivolt Portal, Pivolt CRM

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