BRITech announces the new operations in Spain and Portugal

BRITech announces the new operations in Spain and Portugal

BRITech announces the new operations in Spain and Portugal

BRITech expands its franchise distribution channel and reaches Iberia (Spain & Portugal) during the second half of 2020, BRITech carried out a selective process to find a distribution channel for its digital solutions for “Wealth Management”, reaching, after a few months, an agreement with Finanhub.

Its Directors, Asier Uribeechebarria and Javier Martinez, are former executives of leading consulting and banking firms with more than 15 years of experience in the deployment of technology solutions for the financial industry.

The founding partners verified that the BRITech platform meets all the technical and functional requirements to support the Wealth Companies and Multi-Family Offices business in Iberia and they are fully convinced that it is a solution with enormous potential in the Iberian market, where there is already a successful case of using the platform with an important management company and several expressions of interest have been received.

“The entire relationship and closing process in accordance with BRItech has been conducted in an exemplary manner by both parties and we have been able to close an agreement quickly to be able to launch ourselves to the market in this last quarter of 2020. The clear improvements to the solutions BRITech on the existing products on the market promise us great success in Iberia” said AsierUribeechebarria (CEO Finanbest/Finanhub).

Being a customer-centric company, BRITech ensures customer satisfaction by providing a platform for their specific needs. Founded in 2012, with franchisees around the world and offices in 9 cities. The company has witnessed radical growth over the last years, and conquering over 250 customers across Latin America, UK, Belgium and United States, aiming to grow even more rapidly in the future.

Click here to visit BRITech’s website!

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