Risk Evaluation

Assess market value at risk. Explore stress scenarios. Securely share with colleagues.

Risk Evaluation

Assess market value at risk. Explore stress scenarios. Securely share with colleagues.

Full Visibility and Analysis to Market Risk

Full Visibility and Analysis to Market Risk

BRITech’s Risk Evaluation module includes a full suite of reporting, monitoring, and collaboration tools to fully explore risk and stress scenarios that help you help your clients achieve their goals while minimizing exposure. Assess market value at risk. Explore stress scenarios. Securely exchange information between advisors, allocators and fund managers. Explore simulations of real-time operations with exposure and sensitivity to various risk factors, customizable stress scenarios, benchmarking and tracking error.

ícone exchange BRITech

Asset Analysis

Asset pricing, strategies and portfolios with allowing for consolidation.

ícone de controle de risco BRITech

Risk Factors

Exposure and sensitivity to various risk factors configurable with parametric and non-parametric models.

Stress Scenario Simulation

Simulation of real-time operations with customizable stress scenarios.

ícone exchange BRITech

Pre- & Post-Trade Compliance

ícone de integrações BRITech

Full Suite Integration

Native integration with all other BRITech modules.


Unique security features, creating an ideal environment for exchanging information between advisors, allocators and fund managers.


Simply create an account and upload your portfolios without worrying about installations, servers or databases.

ícone de foguete que remete a aumento de eficiência BRITech

Up-to-Date Data

Our Risk Evaluation module integrates with any back-office system or website using our open APIs. Market data is updated automatically. Consolidation is done automatically each time an invested fund is changed by the manager.

SaaS Investment Management with a Difference

Explore the platform that brings efficiency, simplicity and flexibility
to front and back office operations

Leon Capital

“We recognize that BRITech had great knowledge and experience in the wealth management environment – which meant we would not have the same risk we had with our previous external vendor.”

Roberto Barba

Managing Partner

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