Fund Administrators

Asset and liability management with legal and regulatory obligations monitoring

Focus on your customer while our platform keeps legal and regulatory obligations up to date, so you can carry out your fund management work in compliance with current regulations.

Fund Administrators

Asset and liability management with legal and regulatory obligations monitoring

Focus on your customer while our platform keeps legal and regulatory obligations up to date, so you can carry out your fund management work in compliance with current regulations.

Use Cases

Use Cases

Administrators use cases: serving your customer better

Distribution of Funds with Suitability

The distribution of own and third-party funds can be:

Identified, where the client’s data is revealed to the fund administrator – responsible to the regulatory bodies and by the shareholders (statements, income reports, suitability, etc.)

On account and order, where the customer’s data is retained in the distributor – which becomes responsible to the regulatory bodies and the quotaholder.

Fee Rebate Calculation

The rebate amount is a benefit or a “commission” paid by the administrator or manager of a portfolio (fund, club or investment portfolio), and the calculation of this amount is based on the administration and/or management fee charged directly on the PL of that portfolio.

It is important to monitor the calculation of rebates in two views, such as expenses (administrators/managers) or revenues (distributors/officers/portfolios).

Control of Shareholders of Funds and Investment Clubs

Quotaholder control services (liability controllership) of investment funds and clubs include:

bookkeeping of quotas; nominative registration of the holders of such quotas; registration of transactions and events involving such quotas; calculation and withholding of taxes; provision of information to regulatory bodies and information to quotaholders.

Control of Shareholders of Offshore Funds

The control of shareholders of offshore funds comprises:

Control of umbrella funds with their various classes and series, hard and soft lockup processes, holdback, series rollup and quota disclosure controls in periodicity other than daily and monthly.

Control of Shareholders of Structured Funds

The control of shareholders of structured funds must respect some parameters:
different series, values of quotas of each series, profitability and taxation consistent with each type of fund and management of the number of shareholders, so that tax benefits are not lost.

Generation of Legal, Regulatory and Accounting Reports

The management of liquid funds, structured funds and investment clubs entails some ancillary obligations that have a specific flow for generating reports.

These vary depending on the destination legal, regulatory, or legal entity and the type of investment.

Gross Up

The comparison of assets in relation to a benchmark and/or other investment options is made by the expectation of gross profitability.

bookkeeping of quotas; nominative registration of the holders of such quotas; registration of transactions and events involving such quotas; calculation and withholding of taxes; provision of information to regulatory bodies and information to quotaholders.

Investment Mapping

In the practice of mapping investments and gross/net profitability by asset and consolidated, a managed portfolio or a consolidated portfolio is created to demonstrate the global profitability, gross and net of taxes.

From this consolidation, it is also possible to demonstrate the profitability of the incentivized securities with the gross-up to make it easier for the client to compare investment options and evaluate past performance by comparing similar conditions.

On/Offshore Portfolio Consolidation

Consolidating positions and trading histories presents several challenges. By including operations in several markets and currencies, the difficulties of comparison and calculation of profitability are amplified.

Consolidation in portfolios and the simultaneous calculation of profitability in several currencies, compared to various benchmarks, can be carried out according to management needs.

Market Risk

Market risk is defined as the potential for a negative outcome due to changes in prices or market parameters. There are several methodologies applicable such as parametric or non-parametric value-at-risk (VaR), risk under stress conditions, diversifiable risk, etc.

The process of fund explosion – in which quotas are replaced by their equivalents in market assets – is fundamental for the correct measurement of such parameters.

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk determines procedures for measuring the risk of a given fund:

• not be able to honour its current and future obligations without affecting its day-to-day operations; or

• Not being able to trade a particular position at market price (position size/market volume) and may incur significant losses.

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What do our customers say?

Anglo Andino Group

““Pivolt has been perfect for our needs. The system is extremely versatile to run our portfolios which include both listed and alternative investments. Every time we’ve had a requirement Pivolt´s customer support and engineers are there right away to assist us.””

David Simsilevich


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