Greater autonomy in portfolio management, better results
Count on a complete and robust system and have more time to focus on your business. With BRITech, you automate your internal controls and legal reporting, manage risks, control rebate rates and much more!
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Enterprises use cases: serving your customer better
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Fee Rebate Calculation
The rebate amount is a benefit or a “commission” paid by the administrator or manager of a portfolio (fund, club or investment portfolio), and the calculation of this amount is based on the administration and/or management fee charged directly on the Shareholders’ Equity of this portfolio.
It is important to monitor the rebate calculation in two views, such as expenses (administrators/managers) or revenues (distributors/officers/portfolios).
Control of Shareholders of Funds and Investment Clubs
Shareholder control services (liability control) of investment funds and clubs include:
booking of quotas; nominative registration of the holders of such shares; registration of movements and events involving such quotas; calculation and withholding of taxes; provision of information to regulatory bodies and information to shareholders.
Offshore Funds Shareholders' Control
The control of shareholders of offshore funds comprises:
control of umbrella funds with their various classes and series, hard and soft lockup processes, holdback, series rollup and quota disclosure controls in a periodicity other than daily and monthly.
Structured Funds Shareholders' Control
The control of structured fund shareholders must respect some parameters:
different series, share values of each series, profitability and taxation consistent with each type of fund and management of the number of shareholders, to preserve tax benefits.
Gross Up
Comparison of assets against a benchmark and/or other investment options is made based on the expected gross return.
Incentivized assets that have some type of exemption have their profitability estimated based on the “gross-up” in which the tax benefit increases gross profitability.
Investment Portfolio
A managed portfolio or a consolidated portfolio is created to demonstrate the global profitability, gross and net of taxes.
From this consolidation, it is also possible to demonstrate the gross-up profitability of incentivized bonds to make it easier for the client to compare investment options and evaluate past performance by comparing similar conditions.
Consolidation of On/Offshore Portfolios
Consolidating positions and operating histories presents several challenges. When we include operations in different places and currencies, the difficulties of comparison and calculation of profitability increase.
Consolidation into portfolios and simultaneous assessment of profitability in different currencies, compared to different benchmarks, can be carried out according to management needs.
Market Risk
Market risk is defined as the potential for an adverse outcome due to changes in prices or market parameters. There are several applicable methodologies such as parametric or non-parametric value at risk (VaR), risk under stress conditions, diversifiable risk, etc.
The fund explosion process – in which shares are replaced by their equivalents in market assets – is fundamental for the correct measurement of such parameters.
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk determines procedures to measure the risk of a given fund:
• not being able to meet your current and future obligations without affecting your day-to-day operations; or
• not being able to trade a given position at the market price (position size/market volume), and may therefore incur significant losses.
Legal and Managerial Funds, Investment Clubs and Portfolio Framework
The new control procedures and legal requirements oblige the fund manager to monitor the book entry controls carried out by the administrators and custodians, and may use portfolio mirroring, replicating the data sent by the administrator in the manager’s environment.
The system allows the creation of end-of-day framing rules or simulations during the day to ensure compliance with legal and managerial requirements.
What do our customers say?
"We are very satisfied, both with the tool and the service - always willing to look for solutions. "
Jailon Giacomelli
Icatu Vanguarda
"We chose BRITech as our Technology partner because they have an experienced team and we know we can count on the team at any time"
Marcelo Coutinho
Operations Manager
Fran Capital
"BRITech's trust, experience and reputation were decisive factors in choosing the solution"
Henry Gonzalez
Shareholder and Manager
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